Factory Inspection & Quality Control

Releave yourself from quality concerns and import risks. Starting at 250 USD.

A common concern when importing from China is the reliability of the factories and the quality of the goods.
We help minimizing import risks by our factory inspections and can identify quality defects before shipment.

Inspection Services

How we help

Factory Audits & Inspections

We help with FCC, CE & UL inspections, sample testing, inventory audits, in-process inspections, pre-shipment inspections and more.

Detailed QC reports

Get a neat and detailed report within 48 hours after the inspection according to customized quality assurance and control protocols.

Detailed QC reporting

When it comes to factory audits, we know it exactly what things to look for, what areas to check and what questions to ask.
We compile all our findings together with high-quality photos in a neat report for you.

Unsure if you should trust your supplier?

We also carry out mini-due-dilligences of Chinese suppliers to see wether they are what they say they are.
We analyze their corporate structure using Chinese business databanks and investigate their actual business licenses and certificates.

International certifications

We make surethat the supplier carries all necessary certifications to produce your product. Failing to ensure that factories are compliant with international safety standards can lead to high penalties when importing to your home country.

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